Neoplasms of the Large Bowel Following Ureterosigmoidostomy

• A poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma of the rectum developed in a 43-year-old man 37 years after ureterosigmoidostomy for epispadias with urinary incontinence. The review of literature indicates that patients who have undergone ureterosigmoidostomy have an increased risk for the development of large bowel neoplasia. The median time interval between the procedure and the diagnosis of the neoplasm is 21 years, and the median age at diagnosis is 33 years. The majority of the lesions are malignant and seem to occur at the site of ureteric anastamosis. The suggested etiologic mechanisms and the clinical aspects of colonic neoplasia following ureterosigmoidostomy are discussed. (Arch Surg 112:1174-1177, 1977)