A Meniscus Model for Optimization of Texturing and Liquid Lubrication of Magnetic Thin-Film Rigid Disks

A meniscus model to predict the effect of disk texture and liquid films on stiction at a head-disk interface is developed using a newly derived equation for meniscus force in the presence of a liquid film. Meniscus contribution to the stiction in the presence of liquid films is calculated for multiple asperity contacts. The meniscus force and the resulting stiction force are calculated as a function of mean peak radius (RP), standard deviation of peak heights (σP), total number of peaks (NO), and liquid film thickness (h). In addition, critical ranges for σP, RP, NO and h, outside which severe stiction and/or plastic deformation may result, are obtained. A limiting case of N identical asperities with a constant spherical radius R and a constant height is also considered. Based on the analysis, the design curves are presented which can be used in selecting the optimum parameters, such as σP,RP, and NO as a function of h, to prevent severe stiction and plastic deformation.