The Mechanism of Glutathione Destruction and Protection in Drug-Sensitive and Non-Sensitive Erythrocytes. In Vitro Studies

When primaquine-sensitive erythrocytes are incubated with acetylphenylhydrazine, there is a marked fall in the reduced glutathione (GSH) level. No such fall occurs with primaquine nonsensitive erythrocytes. A rise in oxidized gluta thione (GSSG) is concurrent with this fall. The fall in GSH level is prevented by deoxygenating the sensitive red cells. Acetylphenyl hydrazine does not destroy GSH unless substantial amounts of oxyhemo- globin are also present. Modifying oxyhemoglobin with acetylphenyl hydrazine renders it capable of destroying GSH. In the absence of sub strate, red cells are incapable of protecting their GSH against destruc tion. In a glucose or inosine substrate, sensitive cells partially and nonsensitive cells completely protect their GSH content. Protection of GSH in a hemolyzed system was also studied.