In vivo effects of Candida albicans products on rat oral epithelium

Candida albicans has been associated with epithelial hyperplasia in some diseases of oral mucosa and skin but its etiologic role in these lesions is poorly understood. To test its ability to induce epithelial proliferation, the invasive hyphal form was cultured for 5 h and 23 h in chemically defined medium and yeast-free culture supernatants were injected below the buccal epithelium of young adult Sprague Dawley rats. The mitotic activity was assessed using the metaphase arrest technique 11 h and 31 h after supernatant injection. There was a significant increase in epithelial mitotic activity 31 h after injection with 5 h culture supernatants compared to control media indicating that the supernatants have an effect on epithelial cells, possibly by direct action on them.