Ground state of the one-dimensional antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model

We have calculated the two-point correlation functions ωil(N)=(4/3)〈Si⋅Si+l 〉 and their averages over i,ωl (N), in the ground state of the one-dimensional antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model for N=4,6,8,...,16 spins. Both periodic (rings) and free-end (chains) boundary conditions are considered. Surprisingly tight lower and upper bounds have been obtained for ωl(∞) under reasonable assumptions. In addition to showing the rather strong even-l–odd-l alternation in ‖ωl(N)‖, known from earlier results of Bonner and Fisher for rings with N up to 10, our bounds indicate a smooth behavior in l‖ωl(∞)‖ for l odd and l even, with, surprisingly, a broad maximum attained within the odd-l values. The bounds obtained from the chain results were essential to seeing this maximum (because of the larger l values available for given N). The quantity l‖ωl(N)‖ for chains with fixed N also shows such a maximum, and in addition shows a similar maximum for even l’s. If the indicated trends for large l and N continue in ωl(∞) and in SN, the structure factor at wave vector π, then finite-size contributions to ωl(N) will have to contribute to the (seemingly) logarithmic divergence of SN as N→∞. We are not aware of any models where a similarly weak divergence shows such a finite-size contribution.