Brown Alfalfa Hay—Its Chemical Composition and Nutritive Value in Dairy Rations

Brown alfalfa hay contained more ash and crude fiber than normal hay. Excessive heating during storage decreased the N-free extract and ether-extract, and caused a decrease in apparent digestibility of all nutrients measured, except ether extract which was higher. The digestible protein and total digestible nutrients were calculated to be 14 and 56 for normal hay, 3 and 38 for the brown hay, and 0.6 and 23 for the black hay. Also the daily intake of hay was greatly affected, the dry matter consumed per 1000 lb. of body wt. being 20 1b. for normal hay, 15 for brown hay, and 10 for black hay. A feeding trial showed somewhat more brown hay eaten than normal hay but the milk production was slightly more when normal hay was fed. The hays used in the trial were from different sources and the brown hay seemed to be higher quality originally than the normal hay.