The response of 90° and 180° (001)‐plane domain walls, acted upon by a damping pressure due to diffusion after‐effect, is investigated for steps and ramps of applied field. The resultant motion, using the Néel energy‐level scheme for diffusants, is shown to be dynamically stable in the case of the 90° wall, in the sense that the incremental damping coefficient is never negative. Dynamic instability is shown to be possible for the 180° wall, and appears in the step response as a delay between the time of application of the field and the time of an observable response. The ramp response is unstable in a finite sample only when a minimum ramp slope has been exceeded. The ramp response is used to discuss the motion of the 180° wall under triangular‐wave drive, and results similar to certain experimental observations are obtained. More publication is planned at a future date.

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