Effects of nitrogen fertilizer and irrigation on sugar beet at Broom's Barn 1973–8

SUMMARY: During 1973–8 six field experiments examined the effect of 0, 41, 82, 124, 166 and 207 kg N/ha with and without irrigation on the growth, yield and quality of sugar beet. The culture of the crops was planned to produce a large yield in order to determine the optimal nitrogen application for the above-average crops which many growers are now seeking to produce. Ammonium nitrate was used as the nitrogen source, broadcast in one dose before sowing as was recommended practice in the early 1970s. The growth of the crop was monitored from the seedling stage to harvest in December, as was nitrogen uptake by the crop, and water removal from the soil using a neutron probe.In 3 years when the weather was dry after drilling, the fertilizer significantly depressed the number of plants which established but plant weights showed that some nitrogen fertilizer was needed early for rapid seedling growth. Changes in the method of applying fertilizer for sugar beet are therefore suggested and are being tested. Soil analyses in the plough layer during establishment (May–June) indicated an optimum concentration of mineral nitrogen of about 40 mg N/kg soil at this stage.Nitrogen fertilizer was very important for a high yield; throughout the growth of the crop it greatly increased total dry-matter yield and at final harvest this was reflected in sugar yield. Considering the six years together, sugar yield was linearly related to both dry-matter yield and total nitrogen uptake. However, within a year, increasing nitrogen uptake above 200 kg N/ha with nitrogen fertilizer did not increase sugar yield; maximum yields of sugar each year were normally obtained with 125 kg N/ha fertilizer or less, and irrigation had little effect on the optimum amount. Explanations for the lack of responsiveness of sugar beet to greater applications of nitrogen fertilizer are being sought in further more detailed analyses of the crop and its environment.