Positron Spectra ofEu152andEu152m

An intermediate-image beta-ray spectrometer equipped with spiral baffles has been used to investigate positrons in the decays of Eu152 and Eu152m. Thirteen-year Eu152 emits a positron group to the 0.122-Mev 2+ first excited state of Sm152 with an end-point energy of 0.715±0.010 Mev and an intensity of 1.6×104 per disintegration (logft=11.9) and a positron group to the 0.366-Mev 4+ second excited state with an end point of 0.47±0.03 Mev and an intensity of 0.8×104 per disintegration (logft=11.5). 9.3-hr Eu152m emits a positron group to the ground state of Sm152 with an end-point energy of 0.895±0.005 Mev and an intensity of 7×105 per disintegration (logft=8.65) and a positron group to the 0.122-Mev state with an intensity of 4×105 per disintegration (log ft=8.6). The shape of the latter group has not been established. However, its end point, when the alpha shape factor is applied, gives better agreement with the 0.122-Mev energy separation from the ground-state beta ray than the end point of the uncorrected spectrum. The result is consistent with, but not positive proof of, the assumed spin of 0- for Eu152m. The β end-point energies of Eu152 and Eu152m are 1.470±0.010 Mev and 1.855±0.010 Mev respectively. An energy separation of 0.050±0.015 Mev between Eu152m and Eu152 is derived from the various β+ and β end-point measurements. No L-conversion electrons could be found in Eu152m decay corresponding to a 0.05-Mev isomeric transition. An upper limit of 3×105 per disintegration was obtained for the fractional decay of Eu154 by positron emission.

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