MR Imaging of the Small Bowel with a True-FISP Sequence After Enteroclysis with Water Solution

Gourtsoyiannis N, Papanikolaou N, Grammatikakis J, et al. MR imaging of the small bowel with a true-FISP sequence after enteroclysis with water solution. Invest Radiol 2000;35:707–711. To evaluate a novel MR enteroclysis technique for small-bowel imaging. Twenty-one patients with suspected small-bowel disease underwent both MR and conventional enteroclysis. MR enteroclysis was performed by injecting an iso-osmotic water solution through a nasojejunal catheter with a flow rate of 80 to 150 mL/min. A maximum of 2 L of water solution was administered. A dynamic heavily T2-weighted single-shot turbo spin-echo sequence was applied in coronal orientation to monitor the bowel filling and adequate distention. Twelve 4-mm-thick slices were acquired by using a true fast imaging with steady-state precession (true-FISP) sequence during an 18-second breath-hold interval. Small-bowel distention, wall conspicuity, homogeneity of opacification, and the presence of artifacts were subjectively evaluated by two reviewers using five-point scales. Chemical shift artifacts were low and ghost artifacts were absent. Susceptibility artifacts were more prominent in the ileum; motion artifacts were low in the jejunum, ileum, and ileocecal area. Homogeneity of opacification was very good in the jejunum, good to very good in the ileum, and good in the ileocecal area. Distention was very good to excellent in the jejunum and ileum and very good in the ileocecal area. Wall conspicuity was very good to excellent in the jejunum and ileum. MR enteroclysis with the true-FISP sequence produced high-quality images of the small bowel. Further clinical studies are required to determine the clinical efficacy of the new technique compared with conventional enteroclysis.