NMR study of thorium hydrides (Th4H15, ThH2) and deuteride (Th4D15)

Thorium hydride was studied using NMR techniques. Relaxation times of protons and deuterons in Th4 H15 and Th4 D15 were measured over a wide temperature range. Different diffusion processes in different temperature regions were observed. In the range 417T(°K)526 the activation energy for hydrogen (or deuterium) diffusion was calculated to be Ea14.7 kcal/mole. The preexponential factor τ0 was calculated to be τ01014 sec for hydrogen, and τ0D2τ0H for deuterium. The frequency of the quadrupole interaction of the deuterons νQ was found to be in the range 37.4νQ43.2 kHz. The electronic contribution to the relaxation in samples of ThH2 and Th4 H15 was calculated from spin-lattice relaxation-time measurements at low temperatures (78<~T<~300°K). While in ThH2 this contribution can be given as (T1T)e=567±30 sec °K in the above temperature range, that of Th4 H15 has been found to be temperature dependent. Analysis of this temperature dependence and that of the Knight shift (measured by Lau et al.) permitted an estimation of the hyperfine fields of the s and d electrons at the site of the proton. In view of the NMR results it is suggested that f electrons are not present in a significant amount on the Fermi level.