It is suggested that the weak and electromagnetic interactions be incorporated into a theory based on an SU(3)SU(3) gauge-invariant and parity-conserving Lagrangian, in which the lepton fields form a Konopinski-Mahmoud triplet μ+, ν, e. The unobserved effects which would be produced by 10 of the 12 charged vector bosons in this theory are suppressed if the spontaneous breaking of SU(3)SU(3) down to SU(2)U(1) is much stronger than the spontaneous breaking of SU(2)U(1) down to electromagnetic gauge invariance. The resulting theory is for most purposes equivalent to the previous SU(2)U(1) model, but with mixing angle now fixed at 30°. In consequence, the mass of the charged vector boson which mediates the known weak interactions is now predicted to be 74.6 GeV. This model also provides a natural mechanism for producing an electron mass of order αmμ.