Near-infrared electroluminescent devices using single-wall carbon nanotubes thin flms

We have fabricated near-infrared electroluminescent (EL) devices utilizing single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) finely dispersed in a polymer, such as poly[2-methoxy-5-(2 -ethylhexyloxy]-1,4-phenylenevinylene (MEHPPV). Al/SWNT-MEHPPV/indium tin oxide thin-film devices exhibit a very promising EL response over a broad spectrum, including the range of 9001600nm . From the analysis of the optical absorption, photoluminescence and EL spectra, as well as the current-voltage characteristics, we demonstrate that those devices exploit the intrinsic near-infrared light-emitting properties of semiconducting SWNTs and the electronic transport properties of SWNT-doped MEHPPV. Those achievements are essential for the future development of thin-film SWNT optoelectronic devices.