Crystal-field interactions and spin reorientation in (Er1−xDyx)2Fe14B

Spin reorientation in (Er1x Dyx )2 Fe14B alloys has been investigated by means of Fe57 Mössbauer spectroscopy on magnetically aligned samples. For 0<x<0.5, the magnetization direction is found to change continuously from the basal plane to the tetragonal c axis with increasing temperature. Reorientation temperatures decrease with increasing Dy concentration, as expected from competition between the uniaxial anisotropy of Dy and the basal anisotropy of Er in the R2 Fe14B (R a rare-earth atom) structure. Data are quantitatively interpreted with a model incorporating crystal-field and exchange interactions as well as Fe-sublattice and R dipolar anisotropies. The stability range of the basal-plane magnetization extends up to xc≃0.5 at low temperatures, while the model predicts xc=0.26 if only B20 O20 and B22 O22 terms are considered; inclusions of B40 O40 and B60 O60 terms provide a satisfactory fit to our Tr versus x data.