The cyst wall of Parorchis acanthus Nicoll, consists of an outer wall of three layers and an inner wall of two layers. The outer wall is hemispherical, complete, attached to the substratum and extends as a flange around the margin. The composition of its three layers differ dorsally and ventrally. Dorsally the layers are: (1) acid mucopolysaccharide and neutral mucopolysaccharide, (2) protein and lipoprotein, (3) acid mucopolysaccharide, neutral mucopolysaccharide and glyco-protein. Ventrally the layers are: (1) acid mucopolysaccharide, protein and lipoprotein, (2) acid mucopolysaccharide. The middle layer in both is secreted by the ventral granular cystogenous glands and the outer and inner layers, dorsally and ventrally, by the dorsal and ventral agranular cystogenous glands respectively.The inner cyst wall is oval in surface view. It consists of two layers, both of neutral mucopolysaccharide, the outer giving a more pronounced reaction. Both are secreted by the dorsal granular cystogenous glands. The ventral wall is strengthened by a secretion from the plug-forming gland cells and consists of neutral mucopolysaccharide. All the layers of the cyst wall show the same histochemical reactions as the glands which secrete them.Studies on the fine structure of the cercaria have revealed mammalian-type synapses in the neuropile of the central nervous system, rind cells around the ganglia, an elaborate arrangement of muscles in the wall of the oral sucker, the flame cell structure and the structure of the granules contributing to the formation of the cyst wall.