Aorto-Left Renal Vein Fistula

A patient with an abdominal aortic aneurysm with a preaortic left renal vein fistula is presented. Review of the 7 reported cases of aorto-left renal vein fistulae demonstrates many similarities in the clinical presentation with aorto-caval fisulae. However, in addition to the triad of pain, pulsatile abdominal mass and bruit, commonly found in aorto-caval fistulae, the presence of hematuria, proteinuria, and azotemia suggests a renal vein fistula. Radiographic studies often demonstrate a large non-functional left kidney. Operative management of the fistula may be performed by a variety of maneuvers. All 7 patients survived. When repair was undertaken without delay, function in the left kidney returned to normal within two months postoperatively.