Benzene hexachloride (5% y isomer) in miscible oil was applied at a dilution of 1/500 with water to give a deposit of 100 mg. of benzene hexachloride per sq. ft. of breeding ground, in an expt. to control C. impunctatus. A 72% mortality of the larvae resulted and the pupae were killed or emergence of adults was prevented. The residual effect was about 5 days. This dosage should be applied late in May to destroy the generation due to emerge and to prevent development in the treated soil of the generation which would appear the following summer. A high mortality of adult midges results from momentarily alighting on cloth impregnated with benzene hexachloride at the rate of 250 mg. per sq. ft. Rains following application of the insecticide increased its penetration to 3 cm. thereby adding to its effectiveness. Residual effect persisted for over a week.