Percolation effects and magnetic properties of the randomly diluted fcc system CopMg1pO

Temperature-dependent, low-field (50 Oe) dc magnetic susceptibility (χ) studies are reported for the randomly diluted fcc system Cop Mg1pO. The studies, using powder samples, covered the temperature range 1.6300 K and the composition range 0.10≤p<1. Variations of the Néel temperature TN, the Curie-Weiss temperature Θ, the Curie constant C, the low-temperature magnetization M, and the lattice constant a0 with p are reported. The observed percolation threshold pc=0.13 agrees well with the predicted value of pc=0.136 for fcc system with nearest-neighbor and next-nearest-neighbor interactions included. The variation of Θ(p) and CM(p) with p is found to be linear whereas that of t=TN(p)/TN(1) is more complex, showing a crossover near p=0.45, where d2t/dp2 changes sign. Calculations are needed to explain this observed t versus p variation. For pc<p<0.45, χ below TN depends upon how the sample is cooled through TN, and the hysteresis and time dependence (relaxation) of χ are observed at 4.2 K if the sample is cycled through a higher field (6 kOe). These observations are not fully understood. An estimate of the exchange constants for the Cop Mg1pO system is given.