We have localized the antigenic determinants for the main forms of gastrin (big gastrin, G34, and little gastrin, G17) in hog antral mucosa using sequence specific antibodies and an indirect immunofluorescence technique. Populations of monospecific antibodies were obtained after affinity immunoadsorption to remove populations of unwanted specificity. The specificity of the purified antisera was established by direct binding of 125I labeled peptides to antisera at the same dilutions as those used in immunocytochemistry. The results indicate that in hog antral mucosa there is a single population of cells with the antigenic determinants of the C-terminal region of G17 and G34, the N-terminal region of G17, the N-terminal region of G34, and the intact G17 molecule. In duodenum there are cells with only C-terminal reactivity; since gastrin and CCK share a common C-terminal sequence it is concluded that this cell type contains CCK-like peptides rather than gastrin.