The Efficiency of DNA Strand-Break Repair in Two Fibrosarcoma Tumors and in Normal Tissues of Mice Irradiated in Vivo with X Rays

Alkaline elution was used to study the repair of X-ray-induced DNA strand breaks in vivo in 2 fibrosarcoma tumors and in several nomral mouse tissues after whole-body irradiation of mice with 10-12.5 Gy [Gray] of X rays. Both tumors were found to repair damage significantly faster and to a greater extent than any of the normal tissues, so that by 2 h after irradiation the level of damage in both tumors was indistinguishable from unirradiated control values. Of the normal tissues studied, liver repaired the fastest. The kinetics for the other normal tissues were essentially the same, showing an appreciable level (7-16%) of unrepaired lesions still evident after 2 h. Even as late as 12 h there was a significant amount of residual damage in some tissues, with testes and spleen showing the greatest level (.apprx. 15%). The repair kinetics for each tissue were not appropriately described by a sum of 2 exponentials. Previously rpeorted data for many homogeneous mammalian cell systems in vitro and for some tissues in vivo show biphasic repair kinetics. This difference may be related to heterogeneity of both cell type and environment within the tissue populations used in the investigation. The faster repair of DNA strand breaks by tumor cells relative to cells from normal tissues was not readily explainable in terms of such radiobiological parameters as overall tissue oxygenation or SH content. The degree of differentiation of the cells within the tissue population may be a major determinant of repair proficiency. Based on a model incorporating a competition between repair and fixation of sublethal lesions, these data are consistent with the idea that tumor cells may have a repair, and hence survival, advantage over normal cells in response to ionizing radiation.