Ruptured Interstitial Pregnancy Causing Massive Rectal Bleeding

MASSIVE rectal bleeding secondary to an ectopic pregnancy rupturing into the gastrointestinal tract is indeed a rare occurrence. Four proven cases have been reported,1-4 with only one survival.3 A second successfully treated case will now be presented. Report of Case A 19-year-old thin white woman, amenorrheic for two months, was admitted to the gynecologic service of Louis A. Weiss Memorial Hospital on March 17, 1965, for observation after progressive bright red vaginal bleeding of 36 hours' duration. Past history was unremarkable except for a long history of intermittent peptic distress relieved by alkali. There was no history of abnormal bleeding tendency. Physical examination at the time of admission revealed a thin, pale white woman in no acute distress. Positive physical findings were confined to the abdomen and pelvis. She had mild tenderness in the right lower quadrant with a sense of fullness in the area of the right

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