The zero energy scattering limit of inelastic molecule–surface scattering is studied within the context of a multiphonon expansion of the molecule–bath wave function. By assuming that at low scattering energies the expansion may be truncated at first order in the phonon operators, we derived a closed form solution to the Lippmann Schwinger equation for the scattering wave function which includes a nonlocal and energy dependent self-energy term which correctly incorporates virtual phonon transitions in the elastic channel. The closure relation results from the use of a discrete spectral (ℒ2) form of the inelastic channel Greens functions. We compute the zero energy limit of these wave functions and discuss the trapping and reflection of cold atoms from ultracold surfaces. Our results indicate that for realistic atom surface interactions the low energy limit of the sticking coefficient, s, can deviate markedly from the expected s∝E1/2 behavior and is shown to approach a constant nonzero limiting value. This trend is consistent with recent experimental work involving the sticking of spin polarized hydrogen atoms on liquid He films.