Pionic Decay Modes of LightΛHypernuclei

Decay probabilities are calculated for pionic modes of decay of the Λ hypernuclei A<~5. An effect of the Pauli principle omitted in previous calculations for the two-body π and π0 modes is now included. An estimate for the total decay probability of all π (or π0) modes based on the completeness relation is checked by comparison with calculations based on detailed models of the decay process for two particular systems. As a result, the present data on H4Λ decay are now consistent with either (a) spin J=0 for any value ps less than 1.5, or (b) spin J=1 for any value ps greater than 1.2, a much weaker conclusion than that reached previously. In either case, if the ΔT=12 rule is roughly correct for Λ decay, the two-body mode π0+α will be prominent among He4Λ decay modes. The π0π ratio will then be large (∼1.5) for He4Λ decay and small (16) for H4Λ decay, compared with the value ∼½ for He5Λ and H3Λ decay.