Activation of the Sphingomyelin Cycle Through the Low-Affinity Neurotrophin Receptor

The role of the low-affinity neurotrophin receptor (p75 NTR ) in signal transduction is undefined. Nerve growth factor can activate the sphingomyelin cycle, generating the putative-lipid second messenger ceramide. In T9 glioma cells, addition of a cell-permeable ceramide analog mimicked the effects of nerve growth factor on cell growth inhibition and process formation. This signaling pathway appears to be mediated by p75 NTR in T9 cells and NIH 3T3 cells overexpressing p75 NTR . Expression of an epidermal growth factor receptor-p75 NTR chimera in T9 cells imparted to epidermal growth factor the ability to activate the sphingomyelin cycle. These data demonstrate that p75 NTR is capable of signaling independently of the trk neurotrophin receptor (p140 trk ) and that ceramide may be a mediator in neurotrophin biology.