The effects of vecuronium on intra‐ocular pressure

The effects of vecuronium on intra-ocular pressure were investigated in doses of 0.1 mg/kg during steady state anaesthesia (n = 5), 0.1 mg/kg as part of a normal sequence induction preceded by thiopentone (n = 10), and 0.15 mg/kg as part of a rapid sequence induction with vecuronium administered prior to thiopentone (n = 10). Administration of vecuronium during steady state anaesthesia was associated with a significant decrease. Vecuronium produced a small reduction in pressure during a normal sequence induction, following a significant reduction after thiopentone. Tracheal intubation during normal sequence and rapid sequence inductions produced increases in pressure above the pre-intubation value (significantly so in the case of normal sequence induction); however, the intra-ocular pressure always remained below the pre-induction value, which suggests that vecuronium 0.15 mg/kg is a suitable relaxant as part of a rapid sequence induction technique where the use of suxamethonium is contraindicated.