Ventilation and gas exchange during sleep in patients with interstitial lung disease.

Ventilation and gas exchange during overnight sleep was studied in a group of seven patients with severe interstitial lung disease (mean vital capacity 50%, mean diffusing capacity 46% predicted), to see whether clinically significant oxygen desaturation occurred. Patients with a history of loud snoring or clinically significant airflow obstruction were excluded. Sleep was fragmented in these patients, but all achieved rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. All patients showed episodes of oxygen desaturation during sleep--mean (SEM) awake arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2) was 92.9% (0.3%) compared with a mean minimum SaO2 during sleep of 83.2% (2.1%) (p less than 0.01). These episodes were, however, transient, and mean SaO2 showed only a slight fall between wakefulness and sleep (non-REM 91.5%, REM 90.4%; NS). Furthermore, SaO2 during non-REM sleep correlated well (p less than 0.001) with SaO2 during wakefulness. Respiratory frequency showed a significant fall between wakefulness and sleep--21.1 (1.8) versus 17.3 (1.5) breaths per minute (p less than 0.02). Our data suggest that nocturnal oxygen treatment need not be considered in patients with interstitial lung disease unless the level of oxygenation while they are awake indicates the need for such treatment.