The mutD (dnaQ) gene of Escherichia coli codes for the epsilon subunit of the DNA polymerase III holoenzyme which is involved in 3'----5' exonuclease proofreading activity. We determined the mutational specificity of the mutator allele, mutD5, in the lacI gene of E. coli. The mutD5 mutation preferentially produces single base substitutions as judged from the enhanced fraction of lacI nonsense mutations and the spectrum of sequenced dominant lacI (lacId) and constitutive lacO (lacOc) mutations which were predominantly (69/71) single nucleotide substitutions. The distribution of amber lacI and sequenced lacId mutations revealed that transitions occur more frequently than transversions. A . T----G . C and G . C----A . T transitions were equally frequent and, with one major exception, evenly distributed among numerous sites. Among the transversions, A . T----T . A events were the most common, A . T----C . G substitutions were rare, and G . C----C . G changes were not detected. Transversions were unequally distributed among a limited number of sites with obvious hotspots. All 11 sequenced transversions had a consensus neighboring sequence of 5'-C-C-(mutated G or A)-C-3'. Although no large deletions or complex mutational events were recovered, sequencing revealed that mutD5 induced single nucleotide deletions within consecutive G X C sequences. An extraordinary A . T----G . C transition hotspot occurred at nucleotide position +6 in the lac operator region; the mutD5 mutation frequency of this single base pair was calculated to be 1.2 X 10(-3).