Amputation and dexniguldipine as treatment for canine appendicular osteosarcoma

The biological behavior of osteosarcoma in dogs is similar to that in humans and the dog has been suggested as a model for the disease in humans. Because occult metastatic disease is common at presentation, systemic therapy is necessary. The dihydropyridine, dexniguldipine hydrochloride (B859-35), is a potent inhibitor of protein-kinase-C(PKC)-stimulated cell proliferation and has shown therapeutic activity in experimentally induced neuroendocrine hamster lung tumors and in a mammary cancer cell line. In human osteosarcoma cell lines, PKC activity can be down-regulated, resulting in increased sensitivity to cisplatin. Since these results supported the involvement of PKC inhibitors in the therapeutic management of osteosarcoma, we performed a prospective, randomized clinical trial using dogs with naturally occurring appendicular osteosarcoma to determine the therapeutic potential of dexniguldipine. Dogs received either no drug treatment (control group,n=8), standard treatment (e.g., cisplatin,n=14), or dexniguldipine treatment (n=14) following amputation. Dexniguldipine-and cisplatin-treated dogs had a longer median remission duration and survival time than untreated dogs (PP<0.05). The results of this study demonstrate that dexniguldipine has significant activity in the inhibition of canine osteosarcoma micrometastases. The identification of a tumor model that may be responsive to this class of antiproliferative agents warrants further clinical investigation to determine the optimum dosage of dexniguldipine and the role it may have in the therapeutic management of canine osteosarcoma.