Synopsis: Since the classical work of Sir Thomas Holland at the beginning of this century on the charnockite series in Peninsular India there have appeared numerous papers describing rocks from all over the world which have been claimed to belong to this series. The rocks from the type area around Madras have now been re-examined, with particular reference to their chemistry and chemical mineralogy, to provide further evidence for their mode of origin.Following petrographic descriptions, fifteen new analyses of these rocks are presented together with trace element determinations, and these are shown to produce smooth curves on a variation diagram. For several rocks all the constituent minerals have been analysed, and it has thus been possible to discuss the mineralogical location of the various major and trace elements in these rocks. Trace element determinations are presented for the 43 minerals analysed together with those for a further 35 minerals not chemically analysed, and their variation within the mineral species is discussed.The possible modes of origin of these rocks are considered, and from the evidence obtained they are held to represent a plutonic igneous rock series which has undergone recrystallization in the solid state on being subjected to plutonic metamorphism.