A survey of Digital Simulation: Digital Analog Simulator Programs

This is the first of an intended series of articles on digital simulation. Digital simulation abounds in many fields and disciplines — analog simulators, cir cuit simulators, chemical process simulators, traffic simulators, systems simulators, business simulators. At this point in time, a general survey of digital simu lation is overdue. Its orderly development demands sufficient respite for a critical evaluation of its prog ress thus far and its goals for the future. just what is digital simulation? - where does it stand presently and how did it get there? — where does it seem to be going ? This series hopes merely to stimulate the tech nical conversations which will furnish these answers. This article restricts attention to digital-analog simulator programs-those programs which simulate the elements and organization of analog computers. It is intended to be both tutorial and documentary in its presentation. This topic was selected for the first article because this segment of digital simulation is of most general interest to analog users. In the opinion of the authors, the transcendence of digital computers for simulation is inevitable, and it is of paramount importance to capture the interest of analog users in order that their vast experience not be lost as simulation enters this new era..

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