Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Nucleocapsid Protein Nuclear Localization Mediates Early Viral mRNA Expression

An important aspect of the pathophysiology of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection is the ability of the virus to replicate in the host vigorously without a latent phase and to kill cells with a dynamic turnover of 1.8 × 109 cells/day and 10.3 × 109 virions/24 h. The transcription of HIV-1 RNA in acute infection occurs at two stages; the transcription of viral spliced mRNA occurs early, and the transcription of viral genomic RNA occurs later. The HIV-1 Tat protein is translated from the early spliced mRNA and is critical for HIV-1 genomic RNA expression. The cellular transcription factors are important for HIV-1 early spliced mRNA expression. In this study we show that virion nucleocapsid protein (NC) has a role in expression of HIV-1 early spliced mRNA. The HIV-1 NC migrates from the cytoplasm to the nucleus and accumulates in the nucleus at 18 h postinfection. Mutations on HIV-1 NC zinc fingers change the pattern of early viral spliced mRNA expression and result in a delayed expression of early viral mRNA in HIV-infected cells. This delayed HIV-1 early spliced mRNA expression occurs after proviral DNA has been integrated into the cellular genome, as shown by a quantitative integration assay. These results show that virion NC plays an important role in inducing HIV-1 early mRNA expression and contributes to the rapid viral replication that occurs during HIV-1 infection.