Analysis of the genetic region encoding a novel rhizobiocin fromRhizobium leguminosarumbv.viciaestrain 306

Cross-testing of a number of strains of Rhizobium leguminosarum for bacteriocin production revealed that strain 306 produced at least two distinct bacteriocins. Further analysis involving plasmid transfer to Agrobacterium and other hosts demonstrated that there were bacteriocin determinants on plasmids pRle306b and pRle306c, as well as a third bacteriocin. The bacteriocin encoded by pRle306b was indistinguishable from the bacteriocin encoded by strain 248, whereas the bacteriocin encoded by plasmid pRle306c had a distinctive spectrum of activity against susceptible strains, as well as different physical properties from other bacteriocins that we have studied in our lab. Two mutants altered in production of the pRle306c bacteriocin were generated by transposon Tn5 mutagenesis, and the DNA flanking the transposon inserts in these mutants was cloned and characterized. DNA sequence analysis suggested that the pRle306c bacteriocin was a large protein belonging to the RTX family, and that a type I secretion system involving an ABC type transporter was required for export of the bacteriocin. A mutant unable to produce this bacteriocin was unaltered in its competitive properties, both in broth and in nodulation assays, suggesting that the bacteriocin may not play a major role in determining the ecological success of this strain.Key words: Rhizobium, bacteriocins, RTX proteins, plasmids.