This is the first in a series of papers dealing with quantum or Wigner probability distributions and the dynamics of early-Universe phase transitions. In this paper we argue that the inflaton field (a real gauge-singlet scalar field) when spatially averaged over a causal horizon behaves as if it were a dissipative quantum-mechanical system in one dimension. Realizing that the mathematical phase-space or stochastic description of Wigner is the only consistent way to describe these systems and still preserve the canonical commutation relations we devote this paper to investigating various properties of the Wigner formalism. This framework rests on the quasiprobability distribution and its evolution equation: a generalized Fokker-Planck equation. We first show that this generalized Fokker-Planck equation is equivalent to Schrödinger’s equation for nondissipative pure states. We then show how one computes ground-state energies within this formalism (for nondissipative systems) by calculating ground-state energy levels for a variety of anharmonic potentials. Finally we compute the quantum-mechanical effective potential in one dimension to order .

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