Effective palliative care for minority ethnic groups: the role of a liaison worker

As the issue of equality of access to health-care services becomes more important, there is increasing concern that specialist palliative care services in the UK are under-used by minority ethnic groups (Haroon-Iqbal et al, 1995; Karim et al, 2000). Research into the provision of such services for black and minority ethnic communities identified a number of factors that contribute to a perceived low take-up of services (Hill and Penso, 1995). A strategy to promote ethnic and racial sensitivity in palliative care service delivery, and policies to improve access to, and take-up of, services was recommended. This article presents the important elements relating to equal access to specialist palliative care and the provision of culturally sensitive services, and examines the role of the Macmillan Ethnic Minorities Liaison Officer in the Bradford community palliative care team.