Intermediate filament expression in normal and vitamin A depleted cultured hamster tracheal epithelium as detected by monoclonal antibodies

Summary Using immunohistochemical techniques, the keratin expression patterns in basal and columnar cells (mucus-producing and ciliated cells) were investigated in tracheal organ cultures. Tracheas were from either hamsters fed a control diet or from hamsters fed a vitamin A-deficient diet; tracheas from the latter group were treated in vitro with all-trans retinol. In tracheas from hamsters fed a control diet, basal cells generally reacted with the RCK102 antibody and columnar cells with the RGE53 and the HCK19 antibodies, and both basal and columnar cells were recognized by the RCK105 antibody. The squamous cell cytokeratin 10 (detected by the RKSE60 antibody) was not expressed in cultured tracheas from hamsters fed a normal or a vitamin A-deficient diet. In the course of the in vitro period a number of keratins were “switched on” or “switched off” in both basal and columnar cells. In tracheas from vitamin A-deprived hamsters the RCK102 antibody clearly recognized basal cells and cigarette smoke condensate-induced proliferating basal cells, whereas the RGE53 antibody reacted with mucus-producing and ciliated cells. During organ culture foci of columnar epithelial cells expressed basal cell properties (detected with the RCK102 antibody) after alltrans retinol treatment and were found negative for the RGE53 antibody. Furthermore, it appeared that the RGE53-negative columnar cells contained periodic acid-Schiff-positive mucous granules. These findings indicate that basal cells may differentiate into columnar cells. Tracheal epithelium did not appear to co-express vimentin next to keratins during organ culture, which may be due to the intact three-dimensional organization present in these organ cultures.