Search for an Electric Dipole Moment Structure of the Muon

A search was made for an electric dipole moment in the muon with a sensitivity of 0.1% of a muon Compton wavelength times the electronic charge. The motivation for this investigation is provided by the interest in finding some property of the muon which would indicate a structure different from that of the electron, even though such a structure would violate both parity conservation and time reversal invariance. The muons pass through the fringe field of the cyclotron and an additional system of magnets producing an electric field in their rest frame. Any electric dipole moment would precess about this field producing a vertical plane component of spin transverse to the momentum. This is detected by measuring the electron asymmetry in the plane perpendicular to the momentum. The absence of such a component within the stated sensitivity gives an upper limit to the electric dipole moment of the muon as 2×1016 cm×the charge of the electron.