The Value of Simultaneous Hysterectomy During Burch Colposuspension for Urinary Stress Incontinence

The effect of concomitant hysterectomy during colposuspension on the cure rate of genuine stress incontinence was evaluated prospectively in 45 patients. Twenty-two women underwent a Colposuspension only (no-hysterectomy group) and 23 had a concomitant abdominal hysterectomy and cul-de-sac obliteration (hysterectomy group). Twenty-five months postoperatively, no differences were found in the cure rate for urinary stress incontinence between the two groups (95.5 and 95.7% for the no-hysterectomy and the hysterectomy group, respectively). In the no-hysterectomy group, three patients (13.6%) had enterocele formation after surgery; this complication did not occur in any of the patients in the hysterectomy group.