In situ morphology of nitrifying-like bacteria in aquaculture systems

The in situ microbiota from several aquaculture facilities with active nitrification was examined by transmission electron microscopy of thin sections for the presence of bacteria that contained intracytoplasmic membranes characteristic of the nitrifying bacteria. Colonies of bacteria with the cellular morphology of a species of Nitrosomonas were found to be present in both the culture water and in the biological filter slime of a freshwater chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) culture system. bacteria in the water possessed the normal nitrosomonas type of ultrastructure, whereas similar bacteria in the slime had an aberrant morphology due to multiple invaginations of the cell wall and cyto-membranes and a significantly greater number of ribosomes. These nitrosomonas-like bacteria lysed during enrichment in commonly used media. Bacteria with the morphology of species of Nitrosomonas and Nitrosococcus were also observed in colonies in the surface slimes of marine culture systems for striped bass (Morone saxatilis) and quahaug (Mercenaria mercenaria).