In a series of retrograde tracing studies involving the injection of WGA‐HRP into the thalamus of the pigeon, labeled neurons were consistently observed in anterior regions of the vestibular nuclei. Following small dorsal thalamic injections, labeled neurons were located predominantly in rostroventrolateral regions of te superior vestibular nucleus, less numerously within the ventral part of the lateral vestibular nucleus, and least numberously within the medial vestibular nucleus. Following large dorsal thalamic injections, many more vestibular neurons were labeled, and these were distributed more extensively throughout anterior parts of the superior, lateral, and medial nuclei. No labeled neurons were found in the descending nucleus. Injections of tritiated amino acids into vetibular nuclei revealed a terminal field within the dorsal thalamic nucleus: dorsolateralis posterior, pars rostralis. The location of this field between auditory, somatosensory, and paleostriatally and neostriatally projecting nuclei suggests a general similarity to the organization of vestibulothalamic projections in mammals.