High-pressure phase of the cubic spinelNiMn2O4

It has been observed that the fcc spinel NiMn2O4 transforms to a tetragonal structure at about 12 GPa. The tetragonal phase does not revert to the cubic phase upon decompression and its unit-cell constants at ambient pressure are a0=8.65(8) and c0=7.88(15)Å (distorted fcc). Within the experimental uncertainty, there is no volume change at the transition. The c/a ratio of the tetragonal spinel is almost independent of pressure and equal to 0.91. The phase transition is attributed to the Jahn-Teller-type distortion and the ionic configuration can be assumed as (Mn3+)tetr[Ni2+Mn3+]oct. The bulk modulus of the cubic phase is 206(4) GPa.