Measurement of the Velocity Dependence of the Helicity of Beta Particles fromCo60

A series of experiments has been carried out to study the velocity dependence of the helicity H of β particles from the allowed Gamow-Teller decay in Co60. The energies examined were varied from 205 keV (vc=0.7) to 50 keV (vc=0.41), a region where the velocity is changing rapidly with energy, and where several other measurements have reported deviations from H=vc. We have not observed any discrepancy with a vc dependence for the helicity within a measurement accuracy of a few percent at the highest velocities and 9% at the lowest velocity. The weighted mean of the helicity measurements is H(vc)=1.014±0.018. Assuming, in turn, either the two-component neutrino theory with predominantly axialvector interaction or the absence of any tensor interaction admixture, this result limits the ratio CTCA to <0.0029, and the ratio CACA to values between 0.90 and 1.11. The helicity was analyzed by Mott scattering after transformation of the polarization from longitudinal to transverse. A screened Mott scattering function S(θ) was used in the analysis. The behavior of depolarization effects and the other systematic errors associated with the technique as a function of β-particle energy was investigated extensively, and the influence of these effects on the results is reported.