A latex agglutination test for tuberculosis, using tuberculoprotein as antigen, was developed in 1964. Titers were usually obtained from 4 to 256 dilutions but, in some cases, higher titers occurred also. The preliminary results obtained from 222 patients were as follows: of 31 patients with acute, subacute, or progressive tuberculosis, 96. 8 showed a positive reaction, mostly in higher titers; of 44 patients in the chronic-stationary stage of active tuberculosis, 69. 8% showed positive reactions; 35. 7% of 56 inactive cases and 33. 3% of 24 patients with positive, delayed types of tuberculin reactions but without demonstrable disease, showed circulating antibodies. Nonspecific agglutination was demonstrated in 12. 4% of 48 patients with negative, delayed tuberculin reactions.