A floristic classification is presented of the species-rich plant communities of calcareous mires (Caricion davallianae) in England and Wales. Three main syntaxa (Associations) are recognized. The Schoeno-Juncetum subnodulosi is a widespread, though infrequent, community of lowland spring fens and valley fens (mainly below 100 m O.D.), mainly in the south of Britain. The Pinguiculo-Cariectum dioicae is a widespread community of spring fens which is found mainly in northern England in calcareous upland and lowland situations. The Acrocladio-Caricetum diandrae occurs in topogenous calcareous fens; it has a wide distribution in England and Wales, but most examples occur in the north, and although predominantly a community of the lowlands it is also known from some more upland sites (up to 370 m O.D.). Some of the factors thay may be important in determining the composition of calcareous mire-communities are discussed. Most of these communities are probably developed in comparatively infertile and unproductive habits where nutrients such as P are only sparingly available.