The species differences of encapsulated joint corpuslces were studied in 7 species of mammals (hedgehod, rat, rabbit, bat, cat, dog, macaque). The number of examined animals was 198. The nerve endings were impregnated after the method of Bielshowski-Gross modified by Lawrentieff and Mirasisoff and after Cajal. On the whole 855 encapsulated corpuscles have been examined. Differences in size and shape of the corpuscles of the type of Golgi- Mazzoni were found. Elongated corpuscles are present in the bat, the rat, and the cat, bulb-like corpuscles in the dog and the rabbit. The corpuscles of the hedgehog and the macaque occupy a middle position. There are differences also in the variability of the encapsulated corpuslces of Golgi- Mazzoni. The most frequent type in all studied species is the simple, non-branching axis-cylinder in the inner core of the corpuscle. Bipolar corpuscles are strikingly frequent in the hedgehog. A branched axis-cylinder in the inner core is the most frequent variety in the dog, a branched corpuscle and corpuscle-twins are most frequent in the cat. Only in the evolutionary higher species of examined animals were found new types of encapsulated corpuscles, large spindle-shaped corpuscles in the dog and typical Vater-Pacini corpuscles in the macaque.