Free radical reactions of the phenothiazine, metiazinic acid

Absolute rate constants have been measured for the reaction of the anionic conjugate base of metiazinic acid, MZ, in the pH range 8–11, with hydrated electrons (k 1.5 × 109 l mol–1 s–1), and for the oxidation of MZ by OH˙, Br2 –˙, (SCN)2 –˙, CO3 ˙, TI(OH)2, N3, ˙˙CH2CHO, (CH3SCH3)2 +˙, CH3SSCH3 +˙ and lipoate+˙. The k values for these oxidations are found to be in the 109–1010 l mol–1 s–1 range, except for k(˙CH2CHO + MZ) 2 × 108 l mol–1 s–1. The oxidation of metiazinic acid leads to MZ±˙ radical zwitterions with yields ranging from 50 to 100% with the minimum value referring to the oxidation by ˙CH2CHO. The MZ±˙ radical zwitterion is characterized by two strong optical absorption bands with maxima at 530 (ε 11 000 l mol–1 cm–1) and 270 nm (51 500). Other primary oxidation products are indicated, but only a transient absorption around 350 nm (OH˙ adduct and/or hydrogen abstraction product) could qualitatively be identified in the reaction of metiazinic acid with hydroxyl radicals.