Pseudoelasticity and Pseudotwinning in Ordered Shape-Memory Alloys

Shape-memory behavior is a complicated phenomenon which Intimately relates macroscopic strain recovery with martensitic phase transformation. A vital step In the theoretical understanding of this effect is a clear picture of a superficially rather simpler phenomenon: martensitic pseudoelasticity. Within the martensftic phase, a number of ordered alloys exhibit deformation strain recovery which Is reminiscent of rubber elasticity. The deformation Is observed to occur via coherent motion of parallel twin boundaries. In this case, where long range elastic accomodatlon forces play no role, the origin of the restoring force on the twin boundaries is still unclear. In this work, we present a quantitative theory which generalizes previous suggestions in the literature and unifies this phenomenon with elastic mechanical untwinning. Our description is based on the concept of a “pseudotwin” originally proposed by Laves and later elucidated by Cahn. Here, the motion of a twin boundary generates a new metastable crystallographic structure (the pseudo-twin) of locally higher free energy. This notion not only provides a source for a “volume” restoring force but leads to a natural descriptioni of observed stabilization effects. Specific experiments to test our description will be proposed.

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