Immunosorbent for Selective Removal of Lipoprotein (a) from Human Plasma: In Vitro Study

Sheep polyclonal anti-lipoprotein (a) [anti-Lp(a)] antibodies were used for immunosorbent preparation. The ability of the selective removal of Lp(a) from human plasma by this sorbent was demonstrated in an in vitro study. The material desorbated from the anti-Lp(a) column by acid pH has immunochemical properties identical to those of Lp(a) isolated by ordinary methods. The binding capacity of anti-Lp(a) sorbent is 3 mg Lp(a) per 1 ml gel. Immunosorbent prepared in this study was reusable. It is suggested that anti-Lp(a) immunosorbent may be applied for clinical plasma adsorption therapy for the Lp(a)-apheresis procedure, especially for patients with high Lp(a) concentration in blood and with stenosis in coronary and cerebral arteries.