Use of [3H]Triphenylmethylphosphomum Cation for Estimating Membrane Potential in Neuroblastoma Cells

The lipophilic permeant cation [3H]triphenylmethylphosphonium (TPMP) was used to estimate membrane potential in neuroblastoma N1E 115 cells under carefully controlled conditions. The cation distributes into the cells only in the presence of a lipophilic anion, and tetraphenylboron and picrate have been used for this purpose. The potassium salt of tetraphenylboron is poorly soluble, so that studies in high [K+] media are difficult with this anion whereas picrate, at the concentrations required, hyperpolarises the cells. The effect of muscarinic receptor activation was investigated by treating cells with carbachol but no effect was seen either on [3H]TPMP distribution or electrophysiological parameters. The use of [3H]TPMP for qualitative and quantitative evaluation of membrane potential in these cells is discussed.