Phylogeny of the Caryophyllales ‐ gene sequence data

Summary: Rettig, J. H., Wilson, H. D. & Manhart, J. R.: Phylogeny of the Caryophyllales ‐ gene sequence data. ‐ Taxon 41: 201–209. 1992. ‐ ISSN 0040‐0262.Phylogenetic relationships among selected families of the Caryophyllales were examined by analyses of nucleotide sequences of the large subunit of ribulose‐l,5‐bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (rbcL). Sequences from 12 Caryophyllalean families were examined using parsimony and bootstrap analysis. The parsimony analysis produced two minimal trees with 778 steps. Major clades supported by bootstrap analysis are (1) Amaranthus (Amaranthaceae), Atriplex and Spinacia (Chenopodiaceae); (2) Mirabilis (Nyctaginaceae), Rivina (Petiveriaceae), Phytolacca (Phytolaccaceae) and Trianthema (Aizoaceae); (3) Basella (Basellaceae), Alluaudia (Didiereaceae), Portulaca (Portulacaceae) and Schlumbergera (Cactaceae); and (4) Silene, Dianthus, Arenaria and Cerastium (Caryophyllaceae). The Caryophyllaceae and Mollugo are the only taxa examined that do not produce betalains but they are neither closely allied nor basal to other elements of the order. Stegnosperma is not allied with the Mirabilis‐Rivina‐Phytolacca‐Trianthema clade. Thus, the Phytolaccaceae (s.l.) are not monophyletic.