Model-independent implications of the isostructure of currents for γ, e, ν, and ν¯-induced production reactions are noted. Reactions on hydrogen and deuterium only are considered; separate neutron information is not used. Numerous tests are given for the absence of I=2 (or specific higher I values), for the electromagnetic current, and for the weak ΔS=0 current (independent of class). Similar results are derived for the |ΔI|=12 rule for |ΔS|=1 currents, where ν¯d reactions are most favorable. A consequence for K14 decays is mentioned. The expansion of cross sections in terms of the azimuthal angle between the lepton and a hadron plane yields equalities implied by the absence of second-class currents (independent of isospin content) in T-conserving situations. Here the ν and ν¯ disintegrations of the deuteron are of special interest.